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Outstanding Results

Equipment Financing

With an over 98% repeat customer ratio, Fundlogic is one of the fastest emerging companies in the industry.

We continually strive to maintain this position by providing experienced account executives ready to create innovative solutions to meet each customers particular cash flow needs regardless if they are a small business owner proprietor, corporation or a fortune 500 Company.

In addition to a wide array of financial services, we offer 3 programs that are specifically designed to quickly meet your financing needs, so that you can stay ahead in the competitive business world. Fundlogic is one of the only company’s in the United States that offers an “Application Only” up to $500,000 with a same day credit response.

Whether you have been working for someone and now going on your own, a true start-up from scratch or have decades of time in business, Fundlogic can meet your particular cashflow needs. We create innovative solutions to meet the demand of todays markets. 

Express loan option

$5000 – $100,000, no financials,
1 page application, 15 minute approvals

Express loan plus +

100,000 – $500,000, no financials, 1 page application, same day approvals (hard assets only)

Express loan max

$500,000 – $10,000,000, credit decisions within 3 business days, full financial disclosure

Grow Your Business

Equipment we finance

Fundlogic will consider financing for owner operators and transportation companies provided they have excellent personal credit (minimum fico of 700), four years in business, three truck minimum fleet, clean dun & bradstreet, and satisfactory comparable borrowing reference.